Terms and Definitions

The WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a software technology that allows you to use code written in C++ in the JavaScript environment.
A wallet is software that stores a set of key pairs of asymmetric cryptography and allows you to perform transaction signing operations using them.
HD Wallet
An Hierarchical Deterministic wallet is a wallet that allows deriving hierarchical chains of key pairs from the initial master seed in a deterministic way.
HD Account
An HD Account is a very specific intermediate node in the hierarchy of an HD Wallet (defined by the Semux specification), from which all other key pairs are derived.
The term Address here means an object of the Addr() class, which is essentially a key pair.
HD Address
An HD Address is one of the Addresses in the HD Wallet hierarchy.
non-HD Address

It is single Address not associated with the HD Wallet. It can be obtained by importing a private key or random generation.


This library can simultaneously work with several non-HD addresses, but only with one HD Account (one hierarchy of HD Addresses).

Mnemonic phrase

Mnemonic phrase (or mnemonic sentence) - is a group of easy to remember words (space separated) for the determinate generation of the master seed (and, accordingly, HD Account) for HD Wallet.

A mnemonic code or sentence is superior for human interaction compared to the handling of raw binary or hexadecimal representations of a wallet master seed. The sentence could be written on paper or spoken over the telephone.


Aka “Hex address” or “Recipient address”. It’s a hexadecimal string that is the “official address” of some wallet to which you can, for example, transfer a certain amount of cryptocurrency.

In fact, a Semux-address is obtained by taking a double hash (Blake2B-SHA256) from the public part of the Address.


Nonce is a sequentially increasing and unique integer for the sender address. Max value is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Used to make transactions. If you do not know the next Nonce for a transaction, then you can get it by contacting the Semux node API.

In the parameters of the methods of this library, the Nonce is passed as a string decimal representation.